With our simple returns process, you can purchase at Shopsupreme worry-free

If something doesn’t work out, request for return within 48hrs of delivery

  • Start the return process within 48hrs of delivery to our office location.
  • Fill the Request for Returns Form and send a scanned copy to Help.
  • Dropoff the products and a copy of the Request for Returns Form with your Club Admin
  • We will send recovery personnel to pick up the products from the Club Admin and inspect the issues as highlighted on the form
  • On confirmation, the personnel will hand over the replacement product to the Club Admin and notify the member to pick up
  • The refunds department will provide cash refunds or credit accounts in cases where we are unable to provide a replacement for the returned products.

How to Return an Item

Click here to download the Request for Returns Form

  • Download the Request for Returns Form.
  • Fill out the form and scan a copy.
  • Click on the at the bottom right corner of the page. Drop a copy of your Request for Returns Form in the chat.
  • Drop the item off with your club admin.

Defective Products, Exchange and Returns Due to Our Error

Oops…If there are mistakes with your order, you require an exchange or products arrive defective/damaged at the time of receipt, we’ll make it right by:

  • Sending you a replacement.
  • Exchanging the item for an item or a set of items of the same value.
  • Issue a refund or credit customer account if we can’t send a replacement.

At Shopsupreme, we take pride in our customer service and are extremely happy to help you with your worries.